What is a computer maintenance?

Computer maintenance involves keeping computers and laptops in good condition through regular cleaning, hard drive updates, and virus prevention. Doing so can extend the life of your devices and can also help you surf the web more securely.

What is a computer maintenance?

Computer maintenance involves keeping computers and laptops in good condition through regular cleaning, hard drive updates, and virus prevention. Doing so can extend the life of your devices and can also help you surf the web more securely. Computer maintenance is the practice of keeping computers in good condition. A computer that contains accumulated dust and dirt may not work properly.

System maintenance is a generic term that encompasses several forms of computer maintenance needed to keep a system up and running. The two main components of system maintenance are preventive and corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance involves taking steps to help keep the system running, while corrective maintenance involves replacing or repairing a system or its components after they have already failed.

Vicky Vos
Vicky Vos

Avid internetaholic. Evil coffee maven. Certified coffee scholar. Proud tv advocate. Proud pizza advocate.